Since 1992, Mr. Saltarelli has had countless hours of training in serving as neutral in arbitrations and mediations.
Arbitration training:
Faculty, AAA The Nuts and Bolts of an Arbitration Hearing: Procedure Evidence and Practicalities, 2016; AAA eDiscovery – Arbitration in a Digital World (ACE012), 2016; AAA/ICDR/ Panel Conference, 2016; AAA Arbitrator Subpoenas: Are They Worth the Paper They’re Printed On?, 2015; AAA Impasse: Mediating in the “Red Zone”; AAA Avoiding Ten Common Missteps Arbitrators Make (ACE010), 2015; AAA Managing the Arbitration Process for Efficiency & Economy Following the Preliminary Hearing, 2013; AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference, 2010, 2009; ICDR Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, 2008; AAA Pro Se: Managing Cases Involving Self-Represented Parties (ACE002), 2007; AAA Neutrals Conference, 2006, 2004, 2003; AAA Chairing an Arbitration Panel: Managing Procedures, Process & Dynamics, 2005 (ACE005); AAA Practical Tips for Dealing with Delay Tactics of Parties and Advocates, 2004 (ACE004); AAA Arbitrator Ethics and Disclosure, 2004 (ACE003); AAA Arbitration Awards: Safeguarding, Deciding & Writing Awards, 2003 (ACE001); AAA Commercial Arbitrator II: Advanced Case Management Issues, 2002; AAA Arbitrator Update 2003, 2001; AAA Central Case Management Center, Administrative Issues Training, 2001; AAA/SAT Doping Grievance Arbitrator Training, 2000; AAA Commercial Arbitrator Training, 1999; AAA Basic Arbitrator Training, 1993.
Mediation Training:
June, 2011, five days’ Advanced Mediation Skills Training (U.S.) sponsored by Center for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) in London; Presenter at Chicago Bar Association full-day seminar, the Art of Mediation, October 22, 2014.